Σάββατο 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Tü-BO (Nepal) - TIGER x BHOTOO (Nepal)

ΑναβιΩνοντας τη μνΗμη ενοσ συμβολου των Tibetan mastiff 

(24 Feb 1977 - 9 May 1987)

Tibetan Mastiff Tu-Bo

Η λογική με την οποία απονέμεται αθανασία δεν ειναι μία ούτε σε σκύλους ούτε σε ανθρώπους, ωστόσο σε πολλές μολοσοειδη- μαστιφοειδη φυλές, there are touchstone dogs who died decades, even centuries ago, who are nonetheless remembered today. Caligola (arguably a shade hypertypical, he nonetheless propelled Neapolitan Mastiffs onto the international stage, going Best in Show at the World Show in 1992), Thorneywood Terror (an early Bullmastiff type who never lost the challenge of bringing down a man in Victorian gamekeeper trials), Crown Prince (who gave 19th-Century Mastiffs their type and, some argue, took away their soundness in the bargain) – all are remembered in the collective consciousness of their respected breeds.
But what of Tü-Bo?
Το 1977, this Nepalese-bred German import was one of the first of his breed to arrive in modern Europe, along with four dogs from India that went to Holland. With the Tibetan plateau sealed behind the Red Curtain, Western breeders made do with lesser imports from India and the southern Himalayas, many of which stretched credulity as far as their purebred status was concerned. Several “types” of Tibetan Mastiffs were promoted as the ideal during that period. But Tü-Bo, with his exceptional construction and strong type, soon became the paradigm for the Tibetan Mastiff in Europe and beyond.
Tü-Bo sired some of the first litters in Europe – two in the Netherlands and one in his adopted home of Germany. It was with this last litter, out of Langtang Shu-Khen Chung, an American export bred by Anne Rohrer, who had established the first American breeding program several years earlier, that Tü-Bo cemented his legacy. Two of his sons from that breeding – Yi-Dam Amban and in particular Yi-Dam Akbar – were widely used, ensuring that Tü-Bo appeared in nearly all subsequent European pedigrees.
As successful in the show ring as he was the whelping box, Tü-Bo won the breed at the World Dog Shows in 1979, 1980 and 1981.
Tü-Bo soon become “the symbol of European breeding,” wrote Molosser Magazin publisher Christofer Habig in the January 1985 issue devoted to the Tibetan Mastiff, with Tü-Bo on the cover, calling him an “important transmitter” of type and a “guiding line” for breeders in Europe, where he had “earned himself the central place in the youngest history of the Tibetan Mastiff.”
Today, however, the situation could not be any more different.
“No, Tü-Bo is forgotten,” Habig says. “As there has been so little ‘esprit de corps’ among Tibetan Mastiff folks during the last twenty-odd years, there are no common values, nor common heroes left.”
Tü-Bo, arguably the finest Tibetan Mastiff imported into Europe during the breed’s modern reintroduction there, from the cover of the January 1985 Molosser Magazin.
Tü-Bo, arguably the finest Tibetan Mastiff imported into Europe during the breed’s modern reintroduction there, from the cover of the January 1985 Molosser Magazin.
A quarter-century ago, Habig was writing about the need for Tibetan Mastiff breeders to focus on a common goal, a unified vision of the breed. He says breeders have forgotten about Tü-Bo – who was a fine example of the more moderate Do-Khyi type of Tibetan Mastiff – precisely because they are caught up in these complex issues of breed identity. “Currently, the ‘vacuum’ which FCI has created due to not solving the issue of Do-Khyi versus Zang Ao” – another term for the Tsang-Khyi, or larger, more Molosser-type dog – “seems to dominate the conflict between the various camps.”
“Maybe it is because I am now removed from regular involvement with the breed, but I sense from talking with those who are still active within it that Tü-Bo is no longer of relevance to the breed today,” says Eric Holliday of Chortens Tibetan Mastiffs in the United Kingdom. “More interest seems to be spent on considering the rights and wrongs of Chinese-type dogs and other imports worldwide.”
Richard Eichhorn of Drakyi Tibetan Mastiffs in California remembers visiting Tu-Bo at the home of his first owner, Herr Boese, in the mid-1980s – a trip he likened to visiting Mecca for a serious Tibetan Mastiff enthusiast of the time.
“We went into the house and Tü-Bo was very accepting of me, came right up to me, looked me in the eye, and allowed me to pet him,” says Eichhorn, who later imported three Tü-Bo puppies, the result of an inbreeding to his daughter Yi-Dam Aksu. “It was just a thrill to see this foundational dog.”
This side profile of Tü-Bo underscores the soundness and type that made him a sought-after stud dog.
This side profile of Tü-Bo underscores the soundness and type that made him a sought-after stud dog.
Tü-Bo was a blue-and-tan, which was very rare for the time, and the preponderance of that pattern in European dogs today is a vestige of his early influence. But looking beyond color, Eichhorn was struck by Tü-Bo’s sheer quality.
“He was very typical, in his head shape, his body, his coat texture, and very correct in his proportions,” Eichhorn remembers. “He was probably only 68.5-70cm, but he was of the mastiff type – he had the characteristic mane, and his bone was proportionate to his body. I could see why he had such a great influence in the early breeding programs.”
So perhaps today it is more important than ever to resurrect the memory of Tü-Bo, if only to remind feuding Tibetan Mastiff fanciers that a middle ground is indeed attainable – that a dog need not be overdone to be typey, nor common looking in order to be moderate. And that quality, as Tü-Bo’s pictures show, really is timeless.

Kennel PhanTasMagoria

1993, 2003, 2013
Πρωτογνώρισα τα Θιβετιανά Mastiff όταν ήμουν 11 χρόνον, πίσω στο μακρινό 1993 από την ταινία που τα έκανε τότε διάσημα σε παρα πολλές χώρες της ευρώπης, το Man's Best Friend το οποιο μέχρι και τώρα στα 33 μου χρονια πρέπει να έχω δει πάνω από 100 φορες, Τον πρωταγωνιστικό ρολο στην ταινία είχε ένα TM αλλα στην πραγματικότητα ήταν 6 διαφορετικά για διαφορετικές σκηνές της ταινίας το κάθε ένα, κάτι που περνούσε απαρατήρητο σχεδόν λογο της ομοιομορφίας τους! Γνωρίζοντας όμως αυτό από τα credits της ταινίας οι τότε εκτροφείς της ευρώπης και βλέποντας την συνολική εικόνα του πιο ολοκληρωμένου σκύλου k πολύ πιο κοντά στο πρότυπο τις FCI που άφηνε εκείνος ο σκύλος ή μάλλον καλύτερα... εκείνοι οι σκύλοι , άρχισαν να βλέπουν ότι τα πολλά imports σκύλων που απλά ήταν από περιοχές γύρο από το thivet αλλα χωρίς κάποιο ιδιαίτερο χαρακτηριστικό καθώς και τα μη φαινοτυπικά αν και αρκετά κλειστά ζευγαρώματα δεν τους είχαν δώσει ότι προσδοκούσαν.
Ψάχνοντας όντας ενεργός από τότε με την κοινολογία-κυνοφιλία στον ΚΟΕ μήπως υπήρχε κάποιος που να είχε φέρει και στην χώρα μας... τον βρήκα! 'Ηταν ένας από τους πρώτους "κιναγογους" σκύλων στην ελλάδα, ο βαγγέλης ρήγας! το πιο απίστευτο όμως ήταν ότι έμενε στην γειτονιά μου! Του έγινα τσιμπούρι λοιπόν k ήμουν συνεχεια στο σπίτι του k στις "σκιλοβολτες" τους! Ερωτεύτηκα λοιπόν και τα 3 θιβετιανά που είχε (και τα οποια ήταν ΤΑ ΜΟΝΑ επίσημος εγγεγραμμένα στην χωρα μας μέχρι το 1999) για τον πολύ ιδιαίτερο k διαφορετικό χαρακτήρα τους που με κέντρισε-κέρδισε!
Αγοράζοντας τότε τα μονα 2 βιβλία που μπορούσα να βρω, το ''Big Dogs of Tibet and the Himalayas'' του DON MESSERSCHMIDT και το ''The Tibetan Mastiff: Legendary Guardian of the Himalayas'' των Ann Rohrer, Cathy J. Flamholtz και ψάχνοντας στο internet και κύριος στο πολύ ενεργό εκείνη την εποχή site του ATMA ειδα ότι τότε δεν υπήρχε στην ευρώπη κάτι που να το δω και να πω ''WOW'' όπως ηπα όταν ida τα σκυλιά της ταινίας, τον πρώτο κεραυνοβόλο ερωτα ομως τον έπαθα όταν ida στο internet το πρώτο ανοιχτής εκτροφής σκύλο που προέκυψε από τη μίξη τον σταθεροποιημένων κλειστών αμερικανικων γραμμών με αντίστοιχες ταϊβανέζικες με αποτέλεσμα τον... MBIS MULTI Champ. FORMOSA DREAMER (COOL OF TIEN-JEN PROPAGATION CENTER x FORMOSA LADY)
Tο 2003 όντας επισκέπτης στο σπίτι ενός φίλου τότε και μετέπειτα συζύγου τις αδερφής μου στην πολύ που έμενε ida ότι είχε έκθεση σκύλων και αποφασίσαμε να πάμε... η πολύ του ήταν το Ντόρτμουντ και η έκθεση ήταν το World Dog Show! Εκεί λοιπόν ανάμεσα στα τόσα θιβετιανά ida ένα και παθαίνω σοκ, δεν προλαβαίνω να συνέλθω από το σοκ και "ξαναεπαθενω" σοκ όταν τον βλέπω (ενώ είχε τις διπλες σχεδόν διαστάσεις και ήταν πολύ πιο ολοκληρωμένος σκύλος) να διαγωνίζεται στα junior! Ευτυχώς για το μέλλον τις ράτσας το ίδιο σοκ έπαθε και ο κριτής και του έδωσε πέρα από το Junior World Winner και το Best of Breed σε ηλικια... 16 μηνων! Xronia argotera eniosa perifanos gia to gousto kai to mati mou otan ematha oti o kritis aftos itan o Christofer Habig! spesialistas ton mastiff kai oti h krisi pou edose sto skilo itan afti "Sensational. Authentic. Head-type excellent, movement exceptional, expression very intense, balance typical, with unusual [large] size. Simply marvelous, very pleased...my World Show surprise."  

Senge was the right dog at the right time, and his influences have revolutionized Western breeding programs, with his progeny serving as the foundation for many influential TM kennels. Senge is the sire of many top-winning dogs in the breed, including our LOKA, the 2008 AKC National Specialty Best of Breed.
H istoria tou kaliterou Tibetan Mastiff ston kosmo me tis megaliteres epitixies apo kathe alo se ektheseis k to pos afto proilthe
First, to my friend Rick Eichhorn, who sends his special Drakyi dogs Senge and Black Princess to Sundari. Also the same for Wayne Chi with Rewa and Eal coming from his Taiwan bloodlines to Sundari. Next to Jarmila for her special Cambu (Senge x Rewa) and Bodhicita (Eal x Black Princess) that were sent to Angela in Estonia. Then to my friend Angela, who breeds Cambu and Bodhicita to produce my beautiful Harish at Chenporewa. With all this support, I can own and show such a wonderful TM like Harish and share him with the world. Again, my thanks, admiration and appreciation! afto pou alakse ta thivetiana se olo ton kosmo omos den itan mono aftos o telios


Δευτέρα 5 Δεκεμβρίου 2016

Our Euro export SENGE is a classic example of the Drakyi ideal, linebred on our foundation male, Ch. Formosa-Drakyi SIMBA.  He stunned the TM world when he won Best of Breed and became World Champion at 16 months from the junior class at the 2003 World Show in Dortmund, Germany, under renowned mastiff specialist Christofer Habig.  His critique: "Sensational.  Authentic.  Head-type excellent, movement exceptional, expression very intense, balance typical, with unusual [large] size.  Simply marvelous, very pleased...my World Show surprise."  Senge was the right dog at the right time, and his influences have revolutionized Western breeding programs, with his progeny serving as the foundation for many influential TM kennels.  Senge is the sire of many top-winning dogs in the breed, including our LOKA, the 2008 AKC National Specialty Best of Breed.

H istoria tou kaliterou Tibetan Mastiff ston kosmo me tis megaliteres epitixies apo kathe alo se ektheseis k to pos afto proilthe

First, to my friend Rick Eichhorn, who sends his special Drakyi dogs Senge and Black Princess to Sundari.

Also the same for Wayne Chi with Rewa and Eal coming from his Taiwan bloodlines to Sundari.

Next to Jarmila for her special Cambu (Senge x Rewa) and Bodhicita (Eal x Black Princess) that were sent to Angela in Estonia.

Then to my friend Angela, who breeds Cambu and Bodhicita to produce my beautiful Harish at Chenporewa.

With all this support, I can own and show such a wonderful TM like Harish and share him with the world. Again, my thanks, admiration and appreciation!

afto pou alakse ta thivetiana se olo ton kosmo omos den itan mono aftos o telios

Πέμπτη 8 Σεπτεμβρίου 2016

PhanTasMagoria Tibetan Mastiff Kennel Greece

Protognorisa ta Thivetiana Mastiff otan imoun 11 xronon, pisw sto makrino 1993 apo tin tenia pou ta ekane tote diasima k se para polles xores tis evropis, to Man's Best Friend  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man%27s_Best_Friend_(1993_film)
to opio mexri k tora sta 33 mou xronia prepei na exw dei panw apo 100 fores, Ton protagonistiko rolo stin tenia ixe ena TM ala stin pragmatikotita itan 6 diaforetika gia diaforetikes skines tis tenias to kathe ena kati pou pernouse aparatirito sxedon , kserontas omos afto apo ta credits tis tenias oi tote ektrofis tis evropis k vlepontas k tin sinoliki ikona tou pio olokliromenou skilou k polu pio konta sto protipo tis FCI pou afine ekinos o skilos 'h malon kalitera ekinoi oi skiloi , arxisan na vlepoun oti ta polla imports skilon pou apla itan apo perioxes giro apo to thivet ala xoris kapio idietero xaraktiristiko kathos k ta mi fenotipika zevgaromata den tous ixan dosei oti prosdokousan. Psaxnontas ontas energos apo tote me tin kinologia-kinofilia ston KOE mipos k ipirxe kapios pou na eixe ferei k stin ellada ton vrika! k itan enas apo tous protous kinagogous skilon stin ellada, o vaggelis rigas! to pio apistefto omos itan oti emene stin gitonia mou! tou egina tsimpouri loipon k imoun sinexia sto spiti tou k stis skilovoltes tous! Eroteftika loipon kai ta 3 thivetiana pou ixe (kai ta opia itan TA MONA episimos egegramena stin xora mas mexri to 1999 'h to 2000) gia ton polu idietero k diaforetiko xaraktira tous pou me kentrise-kerdise giati itan kati polu diaforetiko  se sxesi me otidipote ali fili mexri tote ixa gnorisei